Hand Surgery Leave Policy

Policy governing leave during fellowship training for surgeons applying for initial board certification in hand surgery.
This leave policy allows for flexible caregiver and parental leave, and is in accordance with the policy guidelines established by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS).

General Requirements

Applicants for surgery of the hand certification must have acquired no fewer than 48 weeks of full-time clinical activity in the year (12 months) of hand surgery training. The remaining four (4) weeks of the year are considered non-clinical time that may be used for any purpose, such as vacation, conferences, interviews, etc.

ABS Family Leave Policy

Effective as of the 2019-2020 academic year and thereafter, as allowed by their programs, trainees may take documented leave to care for a new child, whether for the birth, the adoption, or placement of a child in foster care; to care for a seriously ill family member (partner, child, or parent); to bereave the loss of a family member (partner, child, or parent); or to recover from the trainee’s own serious illness. This policy is not retroactive and does not apply to leave taken prior to the 2019-2020 academic year.

ABS will accept 47 weeks of full-time clinical activity.

Note: This is an ABS policy only and should not be confused with family leave as permitted by the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). No approval is needed for this option if taken as outlined.

Arrangements beyond the standard leave described above require prior written approval from the ABS. Such requests may only be made by the program director.

Related Policies

The links posted within resources are provided for informational purposes only. ABS assumes no responsibility for the content of these websites.

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