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EPAs for Vascular Surgery

Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) for vascular surgery are expected to launch in the 2025-2026 academic year.

EPAs and Vascular Surgery Trainees

An EPA composite profile will be required during QE application

All applicants to the Vascular Surgery Qualifying Exam (VSQE) will be required to turn in a composite profile across all EPAs when they apply for the exam. In order to assist trainees in developing a robust composite profile, every resident should be assessed on every rotation.

All program faculty should be trained to function as assessors to promote reliability and validity of the assessment. The use of EPAs for trainees at all PGY-levels to promote consistent habits of meaningful assessment and feedback, and to provide other assessment economies, is strongly encouraged as a best practice strategy.

For more details and information about EPA development, implementation, evaluation, and more, please review our FAQs.

Using EPAs to Support Struggling Residents Infographic

How EPAs can be used to support struggling residents by creating a shared language and a space for constructive...

How to Use EPAs to Take Charge of Your Training Infographic

An infographic detailing how residents can use EPAs to take charge of their surgical training.

ABS EPA App User Guide

A step-by-step guide on how to use the ABS EPA App to complete an EPA assessment.

Vascular Surgery EPAs Anatomy Visual

An infographic displaying the 15 vascular surgery EPAs.
Vascular Surgery EPAs Timeline

Follow along as the launch of Vascular Surgery EPAs approaches

In the months leading up to the launch of vascular surgery EPAs, the ABS will be hosting webinars and offering additional resources to help prime all training programs for the launch this fall. Dates will be announced soon, but please reference this timeline in the meantime to see which events you are interested in attending.

Grand Rounds

ABS EPA Grand Rounds presentations for vascular surgery

Dr. Brigitte K. Smith, Associate Professor of Vascular Surgery and Vice Chair of Education for the Department of Surgery at University of Wisconsin, presents a grand rounds on vascular surgery EPAs.

Programs can access a PDF of the slides used in this Grand Rounds presentation here.

Programs may request to have an ABS EPA Project Speakers Bureau representative present a Grand Rounds on EPAs at their local program, either virtually or in-person. To request a speaker, please complete this form.

Prepare for the launch of vascular surgery EPAs

What members of the vascular surgery community are saying

Why is the change to EPAs needed and what do these changes mean for trainees and faculty? Members of the vascular surgery community share their views on why EPAs are a valuable education tool.

Performing assessments in the app

Vascular EPAs will be assessed in the ABS EPA App

See the latest updates to the ABS EPA app in this recent webinar. The vascular surgery EPA suite will be available in the app when implementation begins later this year.

surgeons having a discussion
ABS EPA App Totals

EPAs by the numbers

The implementation of general surgery EPAs began on July 1, 2023. Since then, trainees and staff have been using the ABS EPA app to create and complete assessments. The data below shows the most current EPA numbers.  (Data as of December 31, 2023.) 

Total Completed Assessments
Total Users Created 1 or More Assessment
EPA Publications
Check out our publications related to the ABS EPA project
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