Dr. Bruce A. Perler and Dr. Mary E. Klingensmith Appointed Vice Presidents of ABS
After a three-year process of review and revision of the organization’s governance and function, ABS is pleased to announce that Bruce A. Perler, M.D., formerly the associate director for vascular surgery, and Mary E. Klingensmith, M.D., immediate past president of the Surgical Council on Resident Education (SCORE®) and past chair of the ABS, have been appointed to serve as vice presidents of the organization.
ABS Announces Merger with the Surgical Council on Resident Education
ABS is pleased to announce our merger with the Surgical Council on Resident Education, also known as SCORE®. The shared vision and commitment to surgical training makes for a natural match between the two organizations, and the merger will allow for shared resources in order to continue to improve residency training and education.
A nonprofit consortium formed in 2006 by seven principal organizations involved in U.S. surgical education, SCORE will continue to rely on participation from these organizations for support and guidance. These organizations have played a pivotal role in the development and growth of SCORE, and the expertise that they have provided has been and will continue to be crucial to the success and further growth of the organization.
ABS to Offer Focused Practice Designation in Metabolic Bariatric Surgery
ABS is working with the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) to be able to offer a focused practice designation (FPD) in metabolic bariatric surgery to qualified diplomates.
This FPD will recognize surgeons who dedicate a significant portion of their practice to the comprehensive care of bariatric patients including primary and revisional bariatric surgery, management of bariatric complications and endoscopy. This designation will allow ABS to work with subject matter experts to establish standards and assessments for this specific area within the field of general surgery.
Additional details regarding qualifications and application requirements will be available later this year.
Report Highlights Importance of Board Certified Physicians in Outpatient and Ambulatory Surgery Settings
The Leapfrog Group, a national watchdog organization of employers focused on health care safety and quality, has released a report summarizing trends on the safety and quality of care for same-day surgical procedures in the U.S. The report highlights the importance of ensuring that all providers performing surgery or anesthesia at these outpatient facilities are board certified. Learn more here.
Residents Who Experience Mistreatment During Training are at a Greater Risk of Burnout, Suicidal Thoughts
Workplace mistreatment is not uncommon according to national survey responses collected immediately after the 2018 ABSITE. Findings from this survey will contribute to data for the SECOND Trial (Surgical Education Culture Optimization through targeted interventions based on National Data), which will examine ways that participating surgery residency programs can improve their residents’ well-being and learning environment. Learn more here.
Association Between Resident Training Experience and Program-Level Performance on Board Examinations
Does success on the ABSITE is correlate with performance on the CE? Further, is there a relationship between resident training experience and their examination performance?
This JAMA study examines associations between surgical resident physicians’ perceptions of their education and program-level performance on board examinations. Read the study here.
In case you missed them…
ABS had two studies recently published that further demonstrate the validity of board certification.
The first study (JAMA, Sept. 2018) found that surgeons who recertified on time following initial certification had a significantly lower likelihood of future loss of medical license actions than those who allowed their initial certification to lapse or never recertified.
A follow-up study (Annals of Surgery, Apr. 2019) finds a direct association between recertification examination performance in general surgery and subsequent loss of license actions.
2019 ABS Continuous Certification Assessment Results and Feedback
In 2019, the ABS Continuous Certification Assessment was expanded to include vascular surgery, pediatric surgery and surgical critical care, in addition to the general surgery assessment which has been available since 2018. For the 2019 assessment administration, 2,519 diplomates completed the assessment, with a pass rate of 99.7%!
As reported in the survey administered after the assessments:
- 77% agreed that this assessment would improve their practice
- 77% agreed that it was a fair assessment of knowledge
- 68.3% plan to change something in their practice based on the assessment
- 76.3% would recommend the assessment to a colleague
- 87.8% agreed that the difficulty level was “about right”
Neurocritical Care Subspecialty Certification for Surgical Critical Care Diplomates
In conjunction with four other ABMS boards, ABS is pleased to offer an additional certification option to surgical critical care diplomates who are primarily engaged in the practice of neurocritical care. Applicants must be currently certified by the ABS in surgical critical care, in addition to completing the required training. The first neurocritical care exam will be administered in 2021. Learn more about the process here.
ABS to Offer “Grandparent Pathway” to ABEM Diplomates for Surgical Critical Care Certification
Starting on July 1, 2020 and in conjunction with the American Board of Emergency Medicine, ABS will offer a three-year pathway to Surgical Critical Care certification for Emergency Medicine diplomates who completed ACGME-accredited surgical critical care training prior to 2012. Applicants must be currently certified in emergency medicine by ABEM. Learn more here.
In Memoriam
Stanley Dudrick, M.D.
April 9, 1935 – January 18, 2020
ABS Director 1978 – 1984
Morton Woolley , M.D.
September 17, 1924 – December 11, 2019
ABS Director 1979 – 1985